Black Lives Matter

We say their names to honor their lives and humanity: George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Tony McDade…too many lives lost to list.

Racism and systemic violence against Black lives have been part of our global history for hundreds of years. Nobody, anywhere, can continue ignoring the systemic violence against Black people.

Black Lives Matter. To make the prevention of interpersonal violence a national priority, we must prioritize the elimination of systemic oppression. Without deep, broad, and comprehensive policy reform, there will be no peace, justice, or reconciliation.

Since our inception, NPEIV has been on a journey of becoming anti-racist as part of its anti-violence mission. We have a long way to go, but we will not shy away from our responsibility. We actively pursue partnerships with more people, organizations, and communities that have been historically silenced in education, research, practice, and policy. We are increasingly diversifying our Board composition to better represent diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. Last year’s Think Tank focused on shared knowledge and action related to oppression. Now, we are undergoing a strategic planning process to refocus our work to end interpersonal violence.

We must all do more than talk. We must act. There are many things to do, at individual, organizational, and societal levels. See these actions in our full statement.

We stand in solidarity and commit to being part of the change.

The NPEIV Leadership

Nanette Burton