How We Make a Difference
we connect through interdisciplinary networks
NPEIV is making a concerted effort to connect professionals from all fields dealing with issues of interpersonal violence to help make research, training, therapy, and application more effective and informed.
NPEIV Annual Think Tank - Every year the National Plan to End Interpersonal Violence hosts an annual Think Tank where new and returning members alike come together to discuss the goals, methods, and plans of NPEIV in the year to come. The day starts with an update of NPEIV business and a panel of invited speakers. This is followed by breakout group discussions on on-going projects that will are shared at the end of the day with the entire membership. It is an excellent opportunity to network with professionals from multiple disciplines that are dedicated to helping to bring an end to interpersonal violence.
Research Practitioner Partnerships - development of models to bring researchers and front-line practitioners together so that the assessment data from practice centers, clinics, and agencies can be analyzed by researchers at various universities in order to expand our research information and provide better program evaluation and to determine effectiveness or programs for various populations.
Training and Mentoring Models - establish models to help train the next generation of researchers and practitioners in evidence-based and promising practices as well as methodological approaches to dealing with field research so that junior faculty and new practitioners will be able to be mentored by senior level people.
Child and Adult Advocacy Studies Trainings (CAAST) - the CAAST program has been expanded to include lifespan approaches to dealing with child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse and national centers have been established to help coordinate these trainings for various universities, law schools, ministries, and schools of medicine as well as for continuing education for professional already in different disciplines and professions.
No Hit Zone - NPEIV believes it is our human right to be safe at home, in the neighborhood, and in the institutions of society. NPEIV plans to work collaboratively with the No Hit Zone to offer trainings to build skills in positive communication and problem-solving.
we write groundbreaking publications
NPEIV is focused on the development of accessible materials that researchers, practitioners, advocates, policy makers, and victims alike can use to gather information and track resources on topics of interpersonal violence while also clearly conveying the partnership's stance on relevant and controversial events.
The National Plan to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan - including 22 specific recommendations, this document has over 250 supporters signed on.
Handbook on Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan - is a six-volume state-of-the-science reference work, written from a trauma-informed perspective. Published in collaboration with Springer Science/Nature, this 200+ chapter handbook integrates all forms of interpersonal violence, deals with key issues of intersectionality and system responses, and focuses on the overlap and continuum of various types of interpersonal violence across the lifespan. This human-rights based reference will be the main resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers for the next decade.
Gathering Experts in Trauma to Operationalize a Digital Network for Trauma-Informed Providers (GET ON the TRAIN) – integrating trauma-informed care (TIC) credentialing into an existing, searchable online database; funding requests are being developed to conduct a formative evaluation of the process, with a plan to evaluate implementation of the TIC integration using the RE-AIM approach (Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance) over time.
Policy Statements - developing and publicizing policy and position statements on various important topics facing our society, such as gun violence, issues with family courts when child abuse or domestic violence are not being considered adequately, statute of limitations, corporal punishment, sexual violence/abuse, trauma-informed care.
Rapid Response Team - a committee has been established to be able to respond quickly to national and international events with education and press releases to better inform the public about applying scientific principles in dealing with interpersonal violence situations, such as school violence episodes, sexual exploitation, and child abuse.
we inform leaders through congressional briefings
NPEIV is working with other national organizations and federal agencies in conducting congressional briefings on various topics related to interpersonal violence prevention and intervention.
September 13, 2016: Protecting Child Safety in Family Court sponsored by US Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX) with former Congressman Greg Laughlin, Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project (DV LEAP), Advocates for Child Empowerment and Safety (ACES), and the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence (NPEIV) - Invited Panelists: Moderator, Kathleen Russell, Executive Director of the Center for Judicial Excellence, Co-Panelists: Joan Meier, JD & Two Survivors, "The Need to Establish Professional Standards for Evaluators in Family Court Cases" - Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD, MJ, MSW
November 19, 2015: Spare the Rod, Protect the Child: A Reconsideration of Corporal Punishment of Children in Homes and Schools sponsored by US Congressman Alcee Hastings (D-FL) with the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence (NPEIV) - Invited Panelist, Moderator: Joyce N. Thomas, RN, MPH, PNP, FAAN, Co-Panelists: Elizabeth T. Gershoff, PhD, and George W. Holden, PhD, "The Social and Economic Impact of Corporal Punishment" - Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD, MJ, MSW
May 8, 2012: Congressional Briefing hosted by Victims' Rights Caucus with Stop the Abuse, National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence, and the Center for Disease Control in Washington, DC - Invited Panelists, Andrew Willis, Chris Anderson, Mildred Muhammad, Linda Degutis