Executive Summary 2020
NPEIV Virtual Think Tank 2020 | 29 August 2020
The National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV) holds an annual Think Tank where new and returning members come together to discuss goal setting, objectives, and directives to continue building a blueprint for change. The Think Tank provides an excellent opportunity for networking with professionals from multiple disciplines that are dedicated to finding solutions to some of the most complex issues we face in addressing our mission to end interpersonal violence across the lifespan.
The NPEIV Virtual Think Tank 2020 was action packed and focused on supporting resilience as a mechanism for preventing violence. Our featured speaker, Dr. Carolyn West, spoke of how the wisdom of black women could be used to inform violence prevention. Dr. Tamara Hamai highlighted the findings from our year-long strategic planning initiative. Knowledge from our Action Teams was used to strengthen our goals and develop exciting plans for webinars, public awareness campaigns, global initiatives and more. Despite the physical distance, everyone used their personal charism for social support and networking; many joined the virtual social gathering at the end of the day.