Immigrant Child Welfare Rapid Response

The National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence (NPEIV) is an overarching group of individuals, organizations, agencies, coalitions, and groups that embrace a national, multi-disciplinary and multicultural commitment to violence prevention across the lifespan.

We are extremely concerned about the Department of Homeland Security’s recent decision that immigrant children be held in detention for the full duration of their migrant proceedings – proceedings which may take months to years. Children have internationally accepted rights, and immigrant and refugee children are no exception.  Immigrant and refugee children should be treated with dignity and respect. No child should be exposed to conditions that may harm or traumatize them. The Department of Homeland Security facilities do not meet the basic standards for the care of children in residential settings. Furthermore, indefinite detention of children has been shown to profoundly compromise their mental health as well as their families.

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As of May 2018, over 10,000 children were being held in immigrant detention facilities. Under the Flores Settlement of 1997, current law requires children be released with a parent if possible within 20 days of detention. The new proposed regulationsare contrary to current law, does nothing to protect American citizens, and harms innocent children – children who came to the United States for safety and protection, only to be faced with further adversity and persecution from those who should be offering security and support.

NPEIV is committed to reducing interpersonal violence and its consequences through scientific research and application of empirical findings. It is our mission to make the prevention of interpersonal violence a national and international priority, and to encourage healthy relationships by linking science, practice, policy and advocacy.

Through our many partnerships and collaborations, it is our vision to end all types of interpersonal violence, for all people, in all communities, at all stages of life. For more information, please visit

Nanette Burton