shelly m. wagers, PhD - npeiv PRESIDENT
Shelly M. Wagers, PhD, earned her degree from the University of South Florida, which is ranked as one of the top 10 programs in criminology. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Criminology at the University of South Florida and is the founder of Internal Power®. Dr. Wagers has over 20 years of experience developing and delivering educational classes, workshops, and seminars in violence prevention and effective criminal justice responses to domestic violence. One focus of her research and experience is helping people understand the internal motives behind their behaviors and how these can either enhance or obstruct their interpersonal relationships at home and in their career. A second focus of her work is developing researcher-practitioner partnerships with advocates, law enforcement and the courts to develop and strengthen the criminal justice system’s response to intimate partner violence. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Wagers worked as a sexual and domestic violence prevention trainer and served as a sworn law enforcement officer in Florida. Dr. Wagers has also consulted with local Domestic Violence Task Forces, conducted multiple trainings for Batterer Intervention Program Clinicians and has consulted with the Virginia Batterer Intervention Certification Board on implementing evidence-based practices in the field. Dr. Wagers currently serves as an Associate Editor for a highly-ranked behavioral sciences Journal Dr. Wagers has published numerous research articles on domestic violence, authored several book chapters and prepared technical reports for local agencies. She has presented her research at numerous national and international conferences and regularly conducts continuing education training for various criminal justice professionals.