Promoting Tolerance


The United Nations' (UN) International Day for Tolerance is annually observed on November 16 to educate people about the need for tolerance in society and to help them understand the negative effects of intolerance. The International Day for Tolerance educates people about the importance of global tolerance. The goal is to strengthen tolerance by fostering mutual understanding among cultures and peoples.

wall-with-writing-call-to-accept differences

What does tolerance have to do with interpersonal violence? Tolerance is about opening your heart to accept others as they are even if they don’t look like you, act like you, have the same values and beliefs as you, and yes, even when they upset and annoy you. Tolerance is about treating everyone humanely with respect and dignity. You accept that other people may have different opinions and preferences, even when they live in a way that you don’t agree with. Tolerance also means that you don’t put your opinions above those of others, even when you are sure that you are right. Tolerant people show strength in that they can deal with different opinions and perspectives.

Teaching children about tolerance is the best gift you can give them. How do you do this? On the Scholastic website, the following methods are recommended to promote tolerance and respect in children:

  • Make them feel special, safe, and loved.

  • Teach them about new places, people, and cultures.

  • Use positive comments to shape and reinforce behavior.

  • Model tolerance and respect.

Intolerance grows from our fear and ignorance of the unknown, so the more we know about others, including those different from us, the more tolerant we will become. If we want to live in a peaceful society, there is no alternative to tolerance.

Rapid ResponsesStacey Turmel