Support Services for Military Service Members and their Families

NPEIV has issued multiple statements this year alone in response to shootings in the U.S. and the importance of gun reform. In the wake of this week’s mass shootings on military bases in Honolulu and Pensacola, the motives for which are still unknown, NPEIV calls attention to the effects of trauma after a mass shooting as well as the importance of support for military service members. Mass shootings can be particularly traumatizing as they challenge our sense of safety in the world and often occur without any notice. Mass shootings can have a wide impact, affecting those who are injured or killed, who witness the event, have loved ones present, and even those who read or hear about the event through media.


Mass shooting survivors are highly susceptible to experiencing the effects of trauma, including physical and mental health impacts that can last for years. Military service members are already at a high risk for mental health difficulties, with between 12-27% of those who have served in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom diagnosed with stress-related disorders. NPEIV encourages communities and policy makers to support services for military service members and their families.

Nanette Burton