Antilynching Act Statement

NPEIV celebrates and applauds the bipartisan passage of the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, honoring the young man brutally murdered by a white mob in 1955. This legislation signifies a long overdue national stance against this inhuman and racially charged crime. Though this passage marks an important step in fighting racism and oppression, we recognize that ending racially motivated acts of interpersonal violence requires ongoing commitment all year long. Though lynchings such as those of young Mr. Till may seem like a thing of the past, white supremacist rallies and racially-motivated shootings are modern day reminders of the continuing violence faced by people of color. We urge leaders and policymakers to continue to denounce and combat such acts of violence in commitment toward safe communities for all people.


The National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV) is an overarching group of individuals, organizations, agencies, coalitions, and groups that embrace a national, multi-disciplinary and multicultural commitment to violence prevention across the lifespan. NPEIV is committed to reducing interpersonal violence and its consequences through scientific research and application of empirical findings. It is our mission to make the prevention of interpersonal violence a national and international priority and to encourage healthy relationships by linking science, practice, policy and advocacy. Through our many partnerships and collaborations, it is our vision to end all types of interpersonal violence, for all people, in all communities, at all stages of life.

Nanette Burton