Presidential Newsletter - March 2021
Dear Colleagues,
NPEIV focuses on building awareness of the different forms of interpersonal violence, how they are interrelated, and how by reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors we can end the intergenerational transmission of violence. Our three-year Strategic Plan is helping us move forward the National Plan to End Interpersonal Violence in three generations. While the National Plan outlines what needs to happen, our Strategic Plan will help us focus our work to effectively disseminate, educate, and advocate for needed changes.
This quote from the National Plan always reminds me of who we are:
“The National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV) is a nonpartisan, group of individuals, organizations, agencies, coalitions, and groups that embrace a national, multidisciplinary, and multicultural commitment to the prevention of all forms of interpersonal violence. We believe it is a basic human right to be safe at home, safe at school, safe in the community, and save when interacting with the institutions of our society. Additionally, all people should have equal access to effective systems of protection, justice, health, and education. Accordingly, it is our mission to work toward eliminating all forms of interpersonal violence, for all people, in all communities, at all stages of life" (p. 2, National Plan)
Our Action Teams have worked hard and completed many valuable projects over the past 15 years. Already our Strategic Plan has helped the Action Teams work together effectively on an important initiative of our National Plan: “Developing a competent workforce that understands the complex context that supports many different forms of interpersonal violence, understands how to recognize the warning signs, knows how to intervene in ongoing cases of interpersonal violence, and knows how to implement strategies for preventing future acts of violence.”
Handbook of Interpersonal Violence, Springer
Members of every Action Team were involved in the Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan, which serves as a resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers.
Our President Emeritus, Viola Vaughan-Eden, and Sandi Capuano Morrison, IVAT CEO, worked to move forward the NPEIV Certificate Program. Review our Upcoming Webinars to earn credit towards the Certificate.
NPEIV Board Member Spotlight: Meet Bettye Mitchell, NPEIV Treasurer
Bettye Mitchell, MA
Winter weather caused a massive power outage, water shortage, and transportation problems in Texas this February. Despite having to deal with this on a personal level, Bettye Mitchell and her colleagues literally hauled wood to homes in need of heating fuel and worked tirelessly to try to get critical supplies to older adults. Her leadership in Texas is an inspiration to all of us to keep up our work to end interpersonal violence. Bettye has dedicated more than 40 years to the treatment and prevention of elder abuse. She was the former Associate Commissioner of Adult Protective Services for the State of Texas Deputy Commissioner for Long-Term Care for Texas, and Past President of the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Bettye is currently serving as the Director of the Area Agency on Aging for the East Texas Council of Governments.
During Bettye’s first term as NPEIV Treasurer, she has been working with the Board to think more comprehensively about funding expenses. Bettye has proposed a “give what you can challenge” to help us end this fiscal year in the green! Bettye and I have each contributed $250 to kick start this challenge. Consider making a donation as a one-time gift or monthly-recurring contribution and help NPEIV continue its work in ending all forms of interpersonal violence today.
Action Team 4 members are serving as Guest Editors for Special Issues in the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma and the Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development. Action Team 4 is seeking additional support for the Violence Research Digest (VRD). Ideas are being considered for how the VRD could coordinate its efforts with the work of other Action Teams to enhance impact, coordinate issues with NPEIV webinars, and illustrate how research findings can be applied in practice. Complete a Member Form today.
NPEIV Board Member Spotlight: Meet Susan Omilian, Board Advisor
Susan Omilian, JD
Susan’s Personal Mission Statement:
“I am a woman of power whose mission in life is to be a catalyst for change for victims of violence against women. Today I celebrate my life by building a community of strong, independent, productive women who have survived abuse and are thriving in well-being, love and joy.”
Susan Omilian, JD, is a nationally recognized expert who has worked extensively as an advocate to end violence against women. An attorney, author, trainer, and motivational speaker, Susan has spent over forty years helping women reclaim their lives after violence, abuse and trauma. Susan originated and now facilitates My Avenging Angel Workshops™ based on the idea that “living well is the best revenge.”
Since 2001, her workshops have helped hundreds of women take the journey beyond abuse from victim to survivor to thriver. The motivational guidance Susan has successfully used in her unique, innovative work is contained in The Thriver Zone Series™ of non-fiction books with easy-to-use worksheets, interactive exercises, and thriver success stories. For more of Susan’s work, visit ThriverZone.
Important Reminders
Complete the 2021 Membership Survey and help us create a database for member collaboration
If you have the means, please consider a tax deductible donation to help support our work
Connect with me, Dr. Pearl Berman, and let me know what you are doing to stand up against interpersonal violence and its consequences
Keep in mind that all senses can be used in self-care! I have been focusing on olfaction as a change of pace, making complex sauces to fill my workspace with delicious aromas. My most recent recipe: plums, apricots, craisins, chopped carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach in a tomato sauce over a low flame for 90 minutes along with cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, pepper, and garlic.
Feel free to send me any specific questions you may have.
Dr. Pearl Berman, NPEIV President